Monthly Archives: December 2013

How to find my Exam Admit card?

Admit card or hall ticket is a letter that makes you eligible to attend that particular exam. If you have applied for an exam and you want to attend the written test or written, you must have the right admit card. Admit cards are issued by the concerned organization usually one or two weeks before the exam. If you have recently applied for a competitive or recruitment exam and are waiting for your admit cards, you can find some useful tips here.

exam admit card

As I said above, the hall tickets for the exam are usually issued one or two weeks before the exam, you may have to wait for that. Though most of the exam organizations will send you an email or sms as soon as the admit card for the concerned exam is released, you will be able to download admit card from the official website. You must visit the website regularly for any new exam information or update. You can also find your admit card through many other job or career websites. Most of the reputed exam call letters will be available on many websites to make it easy for candidates to download them.

admit card

Once the admit card is issued, you can download it from the official website of the organization. If you are unable to download your call letter or are facing any kind of issue, you can contact the board or institute regarding your issue.